The Global Women Inventors and Innovators Network (GlobalWIIN) collaborates with the Centre for Creativity at Bayes Business School, City, University of London (UK), to stage their 24th Annual gathering for women inventors and innovators across the globe. The Conference sets the scene for open and constructive dialogue based on real and practical experiences while fostering a better understanding of the world’s best practices and policies that help with the advancement of ingenious services, processes, and products. It provides an opportunity to learn the views of the inventive and innovative minded on knowledge acquired, research and development, intellectual property rights as well as hands-on technologies that solve pressing global issues.
The first plenary session discussion topic, The Pursuit of Protection & Ownership – The Reality & Influence of Intellectual Property Rights, is chaired by Professor Ruth Soetendorp (Visiting Professor of the University of the Arts, London. Visiting Academic, City, University of London. Professor
Emerita, Bournemouth University. Associate Director, Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management. Board Member of The Intellectual Property Awareness Network).
The guest speakers are inventors Subina Shami and Hulda Sveinsdottir, along with IP professionals Caelia Bryn-Jacobsen and Agathe Michel-de Cazotte.
The inventors start the session by disclosing their experience of working with the regimes they choose to protect the intellectual property rights of their inventions and the challenges they face in pursuing and defending their IP rights.
The IP professionals advise the group of the strategies they can adopt to overcome or minimize these challenges.
The session ends with a focus on the future of IP; the changes inventors would like to see with the IP process and how might the IP professionals see the next few years change the reality and influence of IP rights.
Photo Credit: Linda Gould CPAGB
Caelia Bryn-Jacobsen (Partner at Kilburn & Strode LLP UK). Subina Shami (Inventor of Cuisine Machine, UK). Professor Ruth Soetendorp, Panel Chair. Hulda Sveinsdottir (Inventor of the Keilir Health Pillow, Iceland). Agathe Michel-de Cazotte (Intellectual Property Lawyer, UK).
Photo Credit: Linda Gould CPAGB